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Sunday Night Meals

Campus Ministry hosts a time for university students to build community each week following the 8:00pm Student Mass at St. Joseph’s. Students are invited to get to know each other over pizza or, once a month, a home-cooked meal.

Agape Latte

Agape Latte is the perfect blend of coffee, friends, and conversation!


Join us for school-specific conversations throughout the year, hosted by your favorite professors. Listen as they share their own faith journeys and talk about how their faith interacts with their daily lives as professionals in your field of study!


Contact a Campus Minister. if you are interested or if you have an idea for a professor to invite.

Conversations in
Medical Ethics

UB Medical School students and physicians! You are invited to join us for our Medical Ethics Conversations, hosted several times throughout the academic year. Come to participate in an informal table conversation about ethics and spirituality. Interested in more information? Please contact a Campus Minister.

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Theology on Tap

Students and young adults 21 and over come together for fun, community, faith reflection, and beer! Join us at a local brewery to discuss a relevant topic to your daily faith. Speakers include locally renowned priests, religious sisters, and parish personalities who share their own lives with you to spark discussion (even more than a beer or two might do!). Most Theology on Tap gatherings are co-sponsored with the St. Joe’s 20’s and 30’s Group and advertised diocesan-wide, so expect to meet some new friends or fill a table with your own.



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Just for Fun

Organized social events are great ways to meet new people, learn new things, and explore what Western New York has to offer alongside others who share your core values.


Have ideas for an activity you would like to do? Please contact Campus Minister.

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