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Writer's pictureRebekah Stiller

A Good Word by Fr. Greg Jakubowicz, OFM 2.12.2023

Hello Friends,

This Tuesday is Valentine's Day. It's a day when we let those that we love know that we love them. Hopefully, it is an authentic love.

The readings from Mass this Sunday remind you and me to be authentic. In the Gospel reading from Matthew, Jesus asks you and me to reflect upon the effect and meaning of what we say and to realize any discrepancy between our words and our actions.

To do this, Jesus invites you and me to slow down and to contemplate what we truly believe in the depth of our hearts so as to focus on the values of God that you and I profess to hold and to make our words and actions, as well as our attitudes, reflect those values. To live what we believe.

May you and I be who we claim to be - women and men who love God and want to keep God at the center of our lives. Women and men who follow Jesus and the example Jesus set for you and me of bringing the Kingdom of God to all people, especially those on the margin.

May you and I be authentic in our faith and how we live it out. May we live what we believe.

And if you are not sure what you believe or if you are an authentic person or not, then ask God to help you know.

Ask God for the Grace of Wisdom to know what is in your heart and for the Grace of Courage to act on the good that is there. Ask God to be authentic. For whatever is in our hearts will come out eventually in our lives. May it always be authentic love rooted in our belief in Jesus Christ.

As always, if there is anything we can do for you at UB Catholic campus ministry, please let me know. We are here for you.

May God bless you with Peace and All Good.

Fr. Greg

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